Monday, October 8, 2007

Everything is Good?

Thanks for today's summary, Talya!

The Gemara says that everything Hashem does is for the best.

The Vilna Gaon says the concept of good refers to something that is obviously and clearly good. Evil’s purpose is unclear.

Light is good to us because we can see its obvious purpose. With darkness, although you can’t see the purpose, it’s not necessarily bad.

The Gemara says in this world, if you hear about something good, you say Baruch Hatov Uhamaytiv. If you hear something bad, you say Baruch Dayan Emet. In Olam Haba, you only ever say Baruch Hatov Uhamaytiv. We do this in this world because the purpose is unclear to us. In Olam Haba, Hashem will clarify everything for us.

We cover our eyes during Shema because we believe Hashem Echad, that both mercy and judgement are good, but we don’t perceive or see it. In Aleinu it says Yihiyeh Hashem Echad because at the time of Mashiach we will all see it and know it.

Midrash Raba says that Hashem looks at the deeds of Tzadikim and of Rishaim. He said light is good, therefore we know that Hashem prefers the deeds of Tzadikim as opposed to those of Rishaim. We'll explore this concept more next time!

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