Today's summary comes from Talya, who did a fabulous job on her Chumash report!
Rashi says that man could eat all vegetables but couldn't kill an animal and eat it.
Rashi says that man could eat all vegetables but couldn't kill an animal and eat it.
Could man eat an animal that died on its own or did Hashem forbid him from eating all animals?
The Gur Aryeh says that they couldn't eat animals that died on their own. The could eat no animals at all. This ensured that they would take care of their animals.
The Mizrachi says that animals who died on their own could be eaten.
Is there a difference between what man and animal could eat?
Ramban says that man could eat seeds and fruit. Animal could only eat herbiage (grass and leaves). Neither could eat meat.
Why did this change after Noach?
Gur Aryeh says that animals recieved a Bracha after the Mabul, so that would ensure the perpetuation of the species even though they're eaten.
Ramban said that because Noach saved the animals, people could now eat them. But we can only eat their bodies, not their Nefushim, which lives in the blood. This is why we have Mitzvot about Shechitah, salting animals, and covering the blood of killed animals.
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