Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Sun Takes Over

Thanks for today's summary, Haviva!

Shir shel yom of Day 3 speak about Hashem's concept of judgment, because of what happened with the tress and the water (that it passes its boundaries when man is sinning.) Now people can be judged as well.

Day 4
Rashi says that the sun and moon didn't take over until after Day 7.

Ramban says that the original light was above the rakiya so it was blocked on Day 2 when rakiya was created. So on Day 3 the earth was dark. on Day 4 Hashem put light sources in the rakiya so that light would shine onto the earth.

Malbim says that the light of the original light was placed in the sun so that the light went through the sun and shone on the earth indirectly.
Vilna Gaon agrees with the Malbim and says that we can see a proof to what the Malbim said from the word M'Orot because of the Mem which means from ("from the light" - from the original light).

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