Monday, September 17, 2007

Tohu and Bohu

Today's post is by Talya Seidman, who managed to condense two classes into this compact summary. Thanks, Talya!

The Ramban says that Tohu was the Hayuli, which changed to Bohu, which are the four basic elements: Choshech-fire, Mayim-water, Tuhum-earth, and Ruach- air. Choshech is fire because fire is the elemental darkness. Tuhum is water mixed with earth. Elokim is next to wind because it is thin and above them and hovered over water because Hashem told it to. It shows the greatness of Hashem’s creation.

Malbim explains the Gemara and says: Tohu is mix of liquid and gas. Bohu is mix of liquid and solid.

Rashi says that the throne of glory stood over the water because Hashem told it to. It shows Hashem’s kingship. Later, for Him to give us Bechira, He hid Himself.

The Gemara says a story which shows that Moshe couldn’t speak to the angels to argue for receiving the Torah without holding onto the Kisay Hakavod. Moshe used his soul to show Hashem’s greatness, and he accomplished this through the Torah. Ruach Elokim is man’s soul, whose job is to reveal Hashem’s glory.

The Midrash says Ruach Elokim is the spirit of the Mashiach. Mashiach comes in merit of Teshuvah.

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