Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Welcome to Twelfth Grade Chumash!

Welcome, Seniors!

And get ready for the most exciting year of high school. You will find this class to be challenging, intriguing, and ultimately fulfilling. You will develop a love of learning and gain skills that enable your learning to continue throughout your lives.

Before we begin, let’s explore the procedures that create an environment where learning will successfully take place.

Behavior: It is the responsibility of everyone in the classroom to maintain a positive atmosphere that is conducive to learning. Most students appreciate this and actively contribute to this positive environment. Be aware, however, that any behavior that detracts from this atmosphere and disrupts the learning process will not be tolerated in the classroom. Students are responsible both for their own learning, and for maintaining an environment that allows others to learn.

Grades: You will always know what grade you currently have if you keep track of the following:

1. Class Points: 2 class points are awarded for every day you are in class. You receive them for showing up, on time, in uniform, with your materials. Class points can be lost if you are not in class on time, if you do not have all your materials or you are not ready to begin when class starts, and if you do not participate in class. Inappropriate behavior during class will also affect your class points. There will be opportunities to regain lost class points offered during the year, and there are ways to regain class points if you are absent—see absence policy below.

2. Homework: A summary is assigned for homework every day, except under unusual circumstances. Each summary is worth 10 points. Late homework assignments are deducted two points for each day they are late; assignments that are over 5 days late receive a zero.

3. Daily Review: A daily review will be posted each day at the beginning of class. Three minutes are allotted for the review. Each review is worth 4 points. Students who are tardy will lose points from their review. Students who are over 3 minutes tardy lose all 4 points of the review.

4. Tests: Tests are given periodically throughout the year. Tests range from 50-70 points and consist of essay and objective questions. Grading is not done on a curve—you receive the points you earn on each test.

5. Projects: One major project is assigned during each semester. Projects may have both a written and oral component. Projects require independent research and are usually worth 100 points. Projects must be turned in on time—late projects receive a zero.

6. Extra Credit: There are optional extra credit assignments available throughout the year that can be used to earn additional class points.

Absences: Your return to class after an absence MUST be accompanied by a parental note explaining the reason for your absence. You are responsible for all work done in class, and it is your responsibility to make up for work missed when you are absent. If you missed a test or assignment, it is your responsibility to come to me—I will not find you. Missed tests and assignments must be made up within 5 days, otherwise you will receive a zero.

You can receive the class points awarded on the day of your absence if:

* The absence is an excused absence. A parent’s note (or a doctor’s note) must explain the reason for the absence. Absences due to illness are excused. Absences for other reasons may be excused at my discretion.


* You have fully made up the work from the day you are absent. This includes summaries and notes. Photocopies of a classmate’s notes are not sufficient.

If you are having any problems completing assignments or understanding the material, please let me know that you need help. Do not wait for a problem to get out of control before approaching me. An issue can usually be worked out if you keep me informed.

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