Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More Than a Blessing

Once again, a summary from Rebecca!

What's the difference between the blessing given to animals and the blessing given to man?
Animals are only given a blessing. Man is given both a blessing and a mitzvah.

To be fruitful and multiply:
The mitzvah is to get married. The brocha is to be given children.

To fill the land:
The mitzvah is to spread out the all over, so people will be serving Hashem in all four corners of the world. The brocha is the ability to live anywhere in the world and in all different environments.

To conquer:
The mitzvah is to use the world's resources in a responsible way. The brocha is to be able to use the earth's resources.

The final brocha is to rule over the animals. This last mitzvah is to be worthy of ruling over the animals, by being a man--a human being--instead of following your physical side and being like an animal.

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