Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Final Task

Haviva sends in another summary ...

Rashi says that an additional job of the sun is to bring light to the world. Other Meforshim comment that "bring light to the world" includes giving off heat and energy.

Rashi (in Pasuk Yud Daled) asks why the Vav from the word Me'orot is missing. It's written without a Vav so that it is read like Meora which means curse because on the fourth day (Wednesday) babies were attacked by diphtheria. (will be explained later)

The Mishna tells us that the Cohanim and Leviim had shifts in the Beit Hamikdash called Mishmarot. The Yisraelim also got turns to do their own service and those shifts are called Ma'amadot.

To be continued...

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